To Be Frank

The first guy I knew named Frank had a mullet.  Frankenstein was not a monster, but the doctor who created the cerebral mummy/zombie outcast.  A lot of Franks are deemed “tanks” presumably because of their ability to chug booze.  Sir Francis Drake was a booty pillaging pirate.  What happened to the respectable nature of the name Frank?  Was it thrown overboard with the moral compass of Sir Francis only to be bred for eternity as a label for the misunderstood and callous?  Was it once revered as a normal nomenclature for sane men?  Will it ever be again?  There are undoubtedly many a normal Frank whose existence is being overshadowed by alcoholics, monster makers, weirdos and 16th century bullies but when will the judgement end?  My middle name is Francis but I wouldn’t tell you that.